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Watercolor Arabic Gum Medium 75 ml | Winsor & Newton


About this itemThe quality Winsor & NewtonPale colored liquid solutionAllows you to control the spread of color Unit count: 75 mill liter Gum Arabic should not be used directly from the bottle because thick films will be brittle. it slows down the drying time of the paint, giving you a slightly longer time to work on creatin..


Watercolor Granulation Medium 75ml | Winsor & Newton


A low- viscosity formula, that increases the granulation of colour, giving a natural mottled appearance to colours which usually give a smooth wash (e.g. Winsor Blue), or enhancing the effect of granulating colours (e.g. French Ultramarine). For maximum effect dilute colour generously with medium alone...


White Mineral Petroleum 75ml | Lefranc & Bourgeois


Highly volatile, gives a matt finish, also called White Spirit. This solvent is purely of mineral origin. Its principal quality is that it evaporates completely, leaving no trace...

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